- teamThe Global Report is produced by the International Observatory on Sexual Exploitation, a research department of the Scelles Foundation, in collaboration with external experts (magistrates, lawyers, social workers, NGO leaders, etc.), with the help of local NGO correspondents and international researchers.
Yves Charpenel
Director of the Global Report on Sexual Exploitation
President of Fondation Scelles since 2010, Yves Charpenel is an Honorary First Deputy Prosecutor at the Cour de cassation since late 2018, after practicing there since 2012. Since 1976, he was a judge or a prosecutor in several courts and with the Ministry of Justice in France. Director of ‘Affaires criminelles et des grâces’ at the Ministry of Justice from 1998 to 2001, he also was a member of two ministers of Justice’s cabinet from 1991 to 1993, and prosecutor at the ‘Cour de Justice de la République’ from 2009 to 2012. He is president of the Commission of Deontology of the elected members of the ‘Conseil de Paris’, and president of the association ‘Droit et Démocratie’. He is also a member of the Executive Committee of the International Association of Anti-Corruption Authorities, the French Consultative National Committee of Ethics, and the French Institute of Restorative Justice. Expert with the EU and the United Nations, he also regularly speaks in events in France and abroad and provides trainings several times a year for judges and prosecutors, police officers, and journalists.
Sandra Ayad
Coordinator of the Global report on sexual exploitation
Sandra Ayad is in charge of the Fondation Scelles’ International Observatory on Sexual Exploitation , where she coordinates research and analysis in some 60 countries and collects information on the subject to make it available to the grand public and to the decision-makers. In 25 years of work on the issues of sexual exploitation, she has developed extensive expertise, regularly intervenes at forums in France and abroad, and provides training to strategic audiences. Since its creation, she has been coordinating the design and implementation of the Fondation Scelles’ Global Report on sexual exploitation. Sandra Ayad has a Master of Science and Communication Techniques.
Catherine Goldmann
Project Manager at Fondation
Jean and Jeanne Scelles
Catherine Goldmann is the deputy manager of the Fondation Scelles’ International Observatory on Sexual exploitation. She has authored numerous studies on the subject and has been involved in the drafting of the Global Report on sexual exploitation since its first edition. Catherine Goldmann is project manager for the evaluation study on the implementation of the April 2016 law, led by the Fondation Scelles and co-financed by the Ministry of Solidarity and Health (DGCS). With a higher education in human sciences and a doctorate in medieval history, she has several years of experience as a researcher in institutional and associative environments (Senate, Bibliothèque nationale de France, Centre Jeanne d'Arc in Orléans, Association pour les fouilles archéologiques nationales).
Yagmur Arica, Annie Beaubien, Madeline Biache, Guillaume Bigand, Frédéric Boisard, Jean-Michel Cailliau, Natalia Cannella, Bérénice Cartillier, Bruno Chambon, Darragh Dolan, Brownwyn Dudley, Clara de la Fuente, Laura Guilabert, AnnPôl Kassis, Stéphanie Kopp, Elaine Lasson, Sonia Latigui-Devienne, Emily MacDonald, Jonathan Machler, Assala Mami, Julia Monjanel, Philine Moucheront, Momoko Nakayama, Theresa Ng'Andu, Arianna Novello, Anne Pascal, Clémence Pigeon, Myriam Quéméner, Suzanne Singer, Hélène Soulodre, Suleikha Sutter, Madeline Terlap, Yasmine Tmimi, Adélaïde Vadurel, Marie-Claire Verniengeal, Rachel Wu, Aidan Zola collaborated in researching information, writing and translating the Global Report.
© 2018