the work of the International Observatory
Thanks to the important analytical work of International Observatory on Sexual Exploitation, Fondation Scelles is now publishing its 5th Global report on sexual exploitation around the world. The goal of this book is to analyze the events in a limited temporal setting in order to better understand the evolution of our thematics.Since 1994, the Observatoire has studied the sexual exploitation phenomenon in all its forms (prostitution, sex tourism, procuring, pornography, human trafficking for sexual exploitation purposes), to enable reflection, changing attitudes on the subject and keeping interested members of the public informed.
Abundant sources
The work produced comes from a wide range of sources, all of which reflect not only events related to studied issues and that happened over the last three years, but debates and controversies that have left their mark in the news.
- Reports from governments and public bodies
- Studies and findings of NGOs
- Reports from international organizations
- University research
- Press articles
- Opinion surveys
- Videos, reports, documentaries
- Testimonials
- Legal texts
- Books
reliable data
All the data collected were systematically analysed, verified and cross-checked with each other.
All the sources used can be consulted at the research and analysis centre of the Scelles Foundation, the International Observatory on Sexual Exploitation.
© 2018